Hello, my name is Billie Buggs, owner of Magnolia Curb Decals LLC. Our mission at Magnolia Curb Decals is to provide reliable and professional access to what's known traditionally as a "curb painting service." Although the "curb painting" market has existed for decades, it has always been viewed as just a "side hustle." That is in part, due to the tedious process "curb painting" intels such as, outlining curbs, aligning stencils and waiting for paint to dry. Combined with an average of $20 per curb address completion, "curb painting" has been a widely unappealing "side hustle" to take on. Because of this, those seeking curb painting services were relagated to waiting an undisclosed amount of time until the next ambitious, random curb painter came along and knocked on their door to offer the service. Well, I'm here to say, THOSE DAYS HAVE COME TO PASS.